Refreshing Old Works pt1: Google Play Store

Hello friends!

After a long time without updating, I’m starting a new personal project to visually refresh the works I did when I was learning Power BI. The star of today is the “Google Play Store Apps Review” from 27/07/2020.

I’ve been enjoying using the hide/show filters panel tactic for saving space and trying a bit more modern looking designs on the back of the dashboard. 🙂

Click here to open the project on your Browser!


#20 – Google Data Analytics Certificate: Bike-Sharing Company Case

Hello, long time no see!

This time I come here with a study case I worked on in order to finish my Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate (yay!). I spent about 4 months studying in the course, which touches a lot on the basics of analysis and of important tools like R and SQL. I’m still not a true ace on them, but I’d say I can handle myself!

This post will be a bit different from the previous ones, as I want to show how I did each phase that Google asked me to go through, from creating the business problem to presenting the insights.

Now, let’s check the case of Cyclistic Bike-Share.

Continue lendo “#20 – Google Data Analytics Certificate: Bike-Sharing Company Case”

Board #19: # of Fires in the Amazon – Power BI


On this post we’ll see a more “minimalistic” board portraiting the number of fires in the Amazon Rainforest. This is not original from me, but a copy of what was made by the Youtube channel Curbal.

The board was made based on some charts (below) posted by twitter used @g_fiske + a dataset from Kaggle + Rose Charts made on Charticulator.

The columns present in the dataset were: Brazilian States, Latitude, Longitude, Years, Monts, Firespots.

Continue lendo “Board #19: # of Fires in the Amazon – Power BI”

Board #18: E-Commerce Analysis – Power BI


On this post I have a dashboard that shows the analysis of an E-Commerce website with data obtained from Google Analytics.

Here we can see the columns:

ps: Only the company has access to Google Analytics results. This originates from an exercise, so I didn’t use google analytics, but had the dataset handed to me.

For this exercise there were some questions to follow on the construction of the board, let’s see them.

Continue lendo “Board #18: E-Commerce Analysis – Power BI”

Board #17: Oak Company Brazilian Sales – Power BI


This time I bring a purple board with some simple charts reflecting the sales market of “Oak Company”.

The dataset for this board contains some localization columns, product related columns and sale price/cost price. With them, we can have an overview of the performance of different cities and products, as well as the view of the revenues through time.

Continue lendo “Board #17: Oak Company Brazilian Sales – Power BI”

Board #16: Health Insurance Operators Spending Analysis – Power BI


On this post I’ll show you a dashboard that I did for a challenge!

The challenge consisted of being able to answer 10 questions with 1 dashboard. The data source for it was a .csv file that contained a few columns of: Region, Age, Number of Children, Smoker or Not, IMC, Gender, Spending Value.

On the next topic, let’s see the answers to the questions one by one.

Continue lendo “Board #16: Health Insurance Operators Spending Analysis – Power BI”

Board #15: Desemprego x Tempo – Power BI

Oi gente!

Nesse post trago um dashboard composto por 3 gráficos e alguns filtros, onde vemos como o número de desempregados se comportou durante o intervalo de 5 anos, como ele tende a se comportar pelos próximos 5, e como esteve distribuído entre as faixas etárias ativas da sociedade.

Os dados utilizados estão em uma planilha com 4 colunas: Data / Faixa Etária / Gênero / Número de desempregados. Vamos ver como ficou.

Continue lendo “Board #15: Desemprego x Tempo – Power BI”

Board #14: Vendas de Carros – Power BI

Oi pessoal!

O dashboard desse post é novamente relacionado a vendas, porém agora o objeto é: Carros Importados.

O dataset que deu origem a esse dash é uma tabela com diversas informações referentes aos carros, clientes, valores de vendas e custos. Com essas informações, consegui fazer alguns gráficos relevantes para o dono da “Frevo Rides” (fictícia) entender suas vendas e tomar suas decisões com mais facilidade.

Vamos dar uma olhadinha melhor!

Continue lendo “Board #14: Vendas de Carros – Power BI”

Board #13: Dashboard de Vendas – Power BI


O board desse post é uma análise de performance de vendas de um determinado estabelecimento com 13 filiais (cada uma em um estado), 11 vendedores e 4 produtos a serem analisados ao decorrer de 2 anos.

A fonte de dados é uma planilha com poucas colunas (estado, vendedor, data da venda, item, preço do item, total de venda, unidades vendidas).

Um pequeno problema que temos é que nem todas as filiais venderam em todos os meses ou anos, então, quando as analisamos em individual, o gráfico de linha pode se tornar um ponto ou ficar vazio. Não é algo errado com os dados, apenas um inconveniente no visual, hahaha.

Vamos dar uma olhada nos diferentes ângulos de análise que conseguimos neste board.

Continue lendo “Board #13: Dashboard de Vendas – Power BI”

Board #12: Google Play Store Apps Analysis – Power BI

Hello, again!

On Board #12 I used a dataset that brings information on Google Play Store, more specifically on 10841 apps available on it.

The columns available in the dataset were: app, category, size, type, content rating, # of reviews, # of intallations, rating, prices, genre, android version.

As some of the data were a bit hard for me to make better, the dashboard turned out simple, let’s see.

Continue lendo “Board #12: Google Play Store Apps Analysis – Power BI”